
#'s 8 & 9 have incisal wear and are lingually inclined. Perfect for no prep veneers. Patient chose direct composite over porcelain due to cost.





Wide Band in place

Greater Curve Wide band surrounds #8. Contra-angle retainer set up from palatal. Labial portion of the band will be cut back before proceeding.

Trial placement

Unbonded trial placement of Filtek Supreme Ultra (FSU) A2 Body, and FSU XW Body. Should have experimented with shades before banding. Better late than never. (Note the labial portion of the band has now been cut back.) 

Phosphoric acid etch

Excellent isolation

Note the interproximal isolation provided by the Greater Curve. The isolation will be maintained throughout the bonding process. This is vital! Unintentional moisture contamination will inevitably lead to discoloration around the periphery of the veneer.


Thin layer of Flowable placed first

A thin layer of Filtek flow is spread over the entire prep. FSU A2 Body is snow plowed into the flowable along the cervical portion of the tooth. Round out and taper the composite,so the taperd A2 is more incisal in the middle. I failed to do this. It is more straight across.


Filtek XW Body is snowplowed into the Flowable in all directions for the incisal 2/3. I now light cure both layers together.

Initial cut back

Initial cut back with the matrix left in place. As stated previously, I messed up the shade transition. It is a straight across the cercvical 1/3 as opposed to the desired arc shape.

Cut back

In order to make the shade transition more natural, I cut back the cervical in an arc and added A2 Body. Photo shows the cut back. 

#8 completed. Ready for #9.

Wide Band in place for tooth #9

Greater Curve Wide band in place and cut back. The band will maintain isolation throughout the veneering process. Photo shows the etched tooth.


Composite placement over #9

FSU A2 Body and XW Body applied in the same manner as was done for #8.

Final veneers #'s 8 & 9

Final veneers #'s 8 & 9.

Incisal edge photo

Incisal edge photo

Another photo of the incisal edges. It is important to make the incisal of the veneers follow the wear incline of the incisal edges of the teeth. This will improve the chances the patient will accommodate the lengthening and not brux on the composite.



You will achieve better results when the composite is molded against a solid matrix surface along the hard to reach interproximal areas. Removes the need to freehand while maintaining isolation. The  matrix shapes the desired emergence profile.

Patient has been very faithful wearing her night appliance.